20. Oktober 2022
21. Oktober 2022
| online
Überlegungen zu intelligenten Systemen: eine disziplinübergreifende Definition
Digitaler Workshop
Der Workshop wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten. IRIS, das Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems der Universität Stuttgart, möchte während dieses zweitägigen digitalen Reflexionsworkshops am 20. und 21. Oktober 2022 die ersten Schritte in Richtung einer disziplinübergreifenden Definition des Begriffs der Reflexion über intelligente Systeme unternehmen. Lesen Sie hier den Rest der Veranstaltungsbeschreibung in Englischer Sprache:

IRIS is currently accepting submissions for this workshop!
Submissions (2-page abstracts) should relate to one or multiple workshop themes:
- What does it mean to reflect on intelligent systems?
- Which tools and methods are needed to successfully engage in (critical) reflection on intelligent systems?
- What is the purpose of this reflection, its outcome, and who is the target audience?
- Which lessons can we learn from discipline-internal reflection practices?
- To what extent can these lessons be “translated” into interdisciplinary collaborations, teaching, science-policy debates, and science communication to a broader public?
We particularly encourage submissions that report on unpublished empirical or theoretical work or present relevant aspects of already published work. As this is a workshop, working papers are welcome!
All submissions should be sent to reflection.workshop@iris.uni-stuttgart.de with a short bio by September 11, 2022. The participants will be notified of the acceptance by the end of September.
University of Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart