Changemaker Academy
Schulungs- und Vernetzungsprogramm für Public Engagement Akteur:innen

Im September wird Cyber Valley Teil der Changemaker Academy sein, einem zweitägigen Schulungs- und Vernetzungsprogramm für Fachleute im Bereich Public Engagement. Lesen Sie hier die Eventbeschreibung in englischer Sprache:
What is it?
The annual change-maker academy is a two-day intensive training and networking program for professionals in the field around engagement with research. The two-day program is the first touchpoint to cultivate and build a practice community for Public Engagement in Germany. The two-day academy will be knit together through two overarching themes: building flourishing strategies and understanding motivations. The assorted training modules will cover the pillars of effective engagement with research: Institutions, community, researchers, leadership and creative communication.
When is it?
The virtual academy is on a Thursday and Friday, September 21/22, 9:00– 16:30 CET
Who is it for?
The academy is specifically designed for professionals of Public Engagement. Thus it is most helpful for institutionally positioned engagers that seek to raise the profile of Public Engagement practices and principles in their institution. The academy is open to German and international attendants; however, it will be an English-speaking academy.
What is the vision?
The event will bring together an international community of engaged professionals for a two-day intensive academy. The program will combine experiential insight from participants with expert-led workshops to transform places of stagnation into a visionary strategy that is also uniquely applicable. The academy is designed to create opportunities to network with peers and connect in order to collaborate and build a community of practice across borders. The academy will leave each professional with hands-on knowledge on how to speak about the value of Public Engagement as the currency to embedding it within their institutional environments and have a peer-reviewed strategy that outlines their next steps in elevating Public Engagement within their field.
Share with your networks and don’t forget to submit your application before July 31, 23:59pm CET. If you are interested to join the academy, please sign up for the Berlin School of Public Engagement newsletter to stay updated, or contact the Berlin School of Public Engagement at