EuroEAP 2024 kommt nach Stuttgart!
Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme veranstaltet internationale Konferenz
Cyber Valley is pleased to announce that the International Conference on Soft Transducers and Electromechanically Active Polymers, EuroEAP 2024, organized by the EuroEAP Society, will take place at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart from June 11 to 13, 2024.

What is EuroEAP?
The EuroEAP international conference, organized by the EuroEAP Society with a not-for-profit distinctive character and always held in Europe, primarily aims to share the latest advances and findings in this emerging field. It gathers experts from all over the world in a highly multidisciplinary event driven by scientific quality and industrial impact, with an organization that enables significant opportunities for one-to-one discussions in a friendly atmosphere. Today, the event expands its scope to the larger international and diverse research community of soft smart materials and soft transducers. The event is conceived as an exclusive forum for international experts and professionals seeking scientific quality, industrial impact, and opportunities for cooperation.
June 11–13
Important deadlines:
- Hotel reservation (special rate): 10 APRIL 2024 (70 pre-booked rooms)
- Early registration & abstract submission: 10 APRIL 2024
- Deadline for registration: 10 MAY 2024
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Heisenbergstrasse 3 | 70569 Stuttgart | Germany
How to contribute and/or attend?
Please have a look here: EuroEAP Platform
Curious to see what awaits you there?
Get exclusive insights in advance: The program
Tuesday, 11 June
- A social dinner will be organized on Tuesday evening in the Stuttgart city center.
- Transport from the MPI to the dinner and from the dinner to the hotel will be provided.
- The cost to attend this event is covered by the conference registration fee.
- More details will be released closer to the conference start.
Wednesday, 12 June
Castle tour:
A castle tour for the participants of the conference will be organized on Wednesday. We will get a guided tour through Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg, one of the most beautiful baroque castles in Germany.
The tour will start at 16:00.
Social dinner:
- Following the castle tour, there will be a social dinner at the restaurant Württemberger Hof (, which is in walking distance from the castle.
- The dinner will start at 19:00.
- Transport from the MPI to Ludwigsburg and from the dinner to the hotel will be provided.
- The cost to attend this event is covered by the conference registration fee.
Accompanying persons
- The castle tour and social dinners are open to accompanying people.
- The participation fees for each accompanying person will be announced closer to the conference start.
- The fees should be paid in cash at the conference desk (credit cards are NOT acceptable).
- Attendees willing to join the castle tour and the social dinners should specify the option (including the number of accompanying persons) during the online registration to the conference.
Thursday, 13 June
This year there is a satellite event to the EuroEAP 2024 conference: SOFTWEAR Days 2024. There will be an oral session also open to all EuroEAP participants, free of charge, on Thursday 13th of June in the afternoon at the same venue and room as the EuroEAP 2024. Oral presentations will be given by the SOFTWEAR PhD students presenting their research.
A few slots have also been reserved for presentations by other PhD students outside SOFTWEAR. The topic of the presentation must be in the broad category of soft actuators for wearables. If you, as a non-SOFTWEAR student, want to give an oral presentation (15 mins incl. questions), please contact
SOFTWEAR is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network in the emerging and rapidly growing field of wearables, with a unique focus on soft actuators for wearables and exoskeletons. The primary objective of SOFTWEAR is to train young researchers in the multidisciplinary science of soft actuators for integration in wearables and augmenting textiles. This will be achieved by merging chemistry, physics, mechanics, electronics, textile technology, design, human-technology interaction, and ethics in a truly interdisciplinary manner, while teaching essential skills in ethics, product development, IPR, and industrial realization, thus providing a unique added value to the careers of the researchers. For more information, see:
EuroEAP Society Challenge:
During the EuroEAP 2024, we’ll be having a challenge with € 400 worth of prizes. It is an open competition where teams of talented researchers can showcase a project of their choice and compete with colleagues in academia and industry. The final aim of the Challenge is to captivate and inspire the imagination of experts and the public alike with the possibilities that soft smart materials and soft transducers empower. More information on the challenge web page:
- Enrolment: 23 APRIL 2024
- Final submission: 23 MAY 2024
Cyber Valley is looking forward to this event happening within the Cyber Valley community and welcomes our international guests!