Cyber Valley Days: Day 2
Deep Tech & Investor Day
Join us for Day 2 of Cyber Valley Days – Deep Tech & Investor Day at Amazon Tübingen

AI Research & Funding Growth
Cyber Valley is happy to host Cyber Valley Days – an exceptional three-day forum for the Cyber Valley community. Focused solely on AI, Cyber Valley Days features a wide program that emphasizes entrepreneurship and scientific innovation originating from Baden-Württemberg.
Join us for Day 2 of Cyber Valley Days – Investor Day, where you'll have the opportunity to connect with investors and start-ups from the Cyber Valley Community, gaining invaluable firsthand insights through panel discussions and start-up demos.
20 June 2024 | 12:00–18:00
13:00 | Arrival & Registration (at Amazon Tübingen)
13:00 | Coffee and Networking
13:30 | Panel Discussions, Start-up Demos
18:00 | Apéro (at MPI Tübingen) (please register here for Apéro)
Deep Tech & Investor Day Program:
Amazon Entwicklungszentrum
72076 Tübingen
Register for the Deep Tech & Investor Day.
MPI Tübingen
Max-Planck-Ring 4
72076 Tübingen
By registering for this event, I grant permission to Cyber Valley GmbH and ELLIS Institute Tübingen gGmbH to use pictures, videos, and electronic media images in any promotional presentation within its community – offline and online, exclusively for non-profit-making purposes.
During the Cyber Valley Days, pictures will be taken and videos will be recorded. These materials may be sent out to the media and used for internal and external communication purposes. These files will be stored in a secure location and only authorized staff will have access to them. They will be kept as long as they are relevant, and after that time, they will be destroyed or archived.
Further information on Cyber Valley data protection can be found at: