ELLIS against Covid-19

The world is facing a public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. We all need to take this on, and science can make a major contribution. This online workshop will present projects on how to tackle Covid-19 using methods of machine learning and AI, carried out by leading international researchers.
Thumb ticker xxl covid


Thumb ticker sm andre loesekrug pietri
Joint European Disruptive Initiative (J.E.D.I.)
Thumb ticker sm antti honkela
University of Helsinki & Finnish Centre for AI
Thumb ticker sm katharina morik
Technical University of Dortmund
Thumb ticker sm kostas
University of Edinburgh
Thumb ticker sm marco gori
University of Siena
Thumb ticker sm peter gru%cc%88nwald
CWI Amsterdam & Leiden University
Thumb ticker sm plamen angelov uk
Lancaster University
Thumb ticker sm rolf apweiler
European Bioinformatics Institute
Thumb ticker sm alessandro betti
University of Siena