Meshcapade wins new start-up award

Cyber Valley spin-off receives prize by the Max Planck Society and the Stifterverband

Meshcapade, a start-up from Cyber Valley, is planning nothing less than a minor revolution: their SMPL technology makes it possible to automatically create accurate and realistic humans in an easily accessible 3D format using a wide variety of data sources, such as images, sensor-based devices and body measurements. The resulting avatars have facial expressions, can reproduce subtle gestures as well as realistic movement, and are compatible with all major 3D visualization programs. It is expected that the technology will eventually be used in the fashion, gaming, and film industries, but it also has enormous potential in the medical and healthcare fields due to the ease with which real, life-like humans can be recreated in 3D.

Thumb ticker sm headshot2021
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

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