University Hospital Tübingen

UKT is mentioned in 7 news articles

Thumb ticker md berens philipp

ERC Starting Grant for Philipp Berens

European Research Council funds development of a new retinal model
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Thumb ticker md strahlen

Degree program combines radiation sciences with AI

New master’s profile at the University of Tübingen
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Thumb ticker md diabetes erkennung

Detect diabetes with whole-body MRI

Deep learning trained with over 2000 MRI images
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Thumb ticker md ku%cc%88nstliche organe w scheible 1 1

Organ twin: a “flight simulator” for surgeons

Intelligent artificial organs enhance training and quality of surgery
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Thumb ticker md artboard 6

Teilnehmende für COVID-19 Studie gesucht

Künstliche Intelligenz soll Früherkennung eines schweren Krankheitsverlaufs ermöglichen
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Thumb ticker md cyvy startup airamed computomics

Cyber Valley expands its Start-up Network with AIRAmed an...

Tübingen start-ups offer fast and objective AI analysis in the health and agricultural ...
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