Cyber Valley takes part in WIN Charta initiative
Further strengthening sustainability

Cyber Valley has joined WIN Charta, the economic initiative for sustainability in the state of Baden-Württemberg. It is aimed towards committed companies in the southwestern region of Germany for whom sustainability is part of their corporate philosophy.
Cyber Valley's WIN Charta focus
In 2024, Cyber Valley GmbH's efforts towards future sustainability will center around the key principles outlined in the WIN Charta:
- "We promote innovations for products and services that increase sustainability and underline the innovative potential of Baden-Württemberg's economy."
- "We generate added value for the region in which we do business."
Cyber Valley firmly believes that long-term successful, entrepreneurial action can only be achieved in harmony with the region and the environment. As an ambassador for entrepreneurial spirit, Cyber Valley GmbH has a public mandate to strengthen the research, development, application, and acceptance of methods and technologies of intelligent systems and modern robotics. The three units of Cyber Valley GmbH; Innovation & Economy, Communication & Society, and Management & Science, reflect and implement this mission. Both guiding principles address the core of the mission, which is anchored in the shareholder agreement of Cyber Valley GmbH.
What is the WIN Charta?
As a voluntary commitment, companies who are part of the WIN Charta adhere to twelve guiding principles that cover the three dimensions of sustainability – economic, ecological, and social. The WIN Charta formulates common core values and provides guidance for the implementation of sustainability in a regional and local context.
The WIN Charta exists since 2014, with more than 300 companies dedicated to the mission. One of the aims of this management system is to support the knowledge transfer of climate-conscious and sustainably operating companies in Baden-Württemberg and to contribute to business networking. Sustainable management is to be recognized and made visible to the public through annual reports.
Starting in 2024, the WIN Charta will become "KLIMAWIN" and fulfill further requirements (See here for more information). For general questions regarding the WIN Charta and KLIMAWIN, please contact the Baden-Württemberg Climate Protection Strategy team:
About Cyber Valley
Cyber Valley is Europe’s largest and leading center for excellence in artificial intelligence and modern robotics. Its mission and public mandate are to advocate for research, development, application, and acceptance of technologies and methods in the field of intelligent systems. Cyber Valley encourages entrepreneurship by uniting scientific excellence with innovation and technology transfer. In addition, Cyber Valley facilitates critical reflection on the ethical and social implications of AI through public engagement. Cyber Valley envisions a future in which the full potential of intelligent systems is leveraged for the greater good of the world.
2022: WIN-Charta-Zielkonzept_2022_Cyber_Valley_GmbH.pdf
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